Hope Wissel

Back to School?!?

back to school thermal no date

We are on the tail end of this month’s “giving back” program – FIGHT HUNGER Campaign.  We did chemo comfort bags and zipper pouches for our soldiers. We raised money for Smiles for Trevor and Relay for Life and we have helped families. When I began my journey with Thirty One, I wanted to make a difference in the lives women and families and you are helping me do it!  Because of YOU, my AMAZING customers, hostesses, family and friends – we are making a difference.

Okay, so I am sure you can guess where this is leading…. YOU GOT IT – we need more sponsors.  Word got out and I have had more requests than I currently have sponsors for so I am putting out a plea for YOUR help.  BREAKING NEWS:  We are teaming up with Haven/Beat the Streets in Ocean County to bring a smile to the kids who are living in motels/ shelters.  I am so excited about this joint effort.

So, here is what is happening:

I am providing THERMAL LUNCH TOTES to children who are currently homeless – living in motels.  I will be using my commission to fill the thermals with some healthy snacks along with tips on inexpensive ideas for healthy lunches. I mean let’s be honest, the FREE lunch program doesn’t always have foods that kids eat.  No hate mail PLEASE because I know that there are some places that have great meals but let’s be honest, not all of them do.

So, for $20, you can sponsor a thermal tote filled with healthy snacks for a child in need. If finances are tight and you can’t donate, maybe you know a business that may want to help, GREAT! Let me know or forward this information to them. I will supply a list of business sponsors in every thermal tote along with blogging about them – FREE advertising for helping out a great cause. Where else could they get FREE advertising for $20?

Won’t you help to make a difference today? You can fill out the form below or contact me directly. I will be happy to invoice you. Let’s bring a smile to the face of as many children as we can this school year. The deadline is July 9th!

Have ThirtyOne-derful day!

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