Hope Wissel

Nutritional Cleansing

My Saturday Spotlight has been on products that I personally endorse but today has just a slight twist.  I met Michelle Antonucci Smith because we have a common desire to give back to the community.  She is running a Zumbathon today to help raise funds for a local family and I wanted to help.

smiles for trever

While we were talking, we shared our weight loss journey with each other.  Michelle has been a Zumba instructor for about 4 years. Here is her story:

When I first started teaching I was about 35 lbs. overweight. It bothered me that I was supposed to be setting an example of being healthy and students were coming to my class to get fit and I was overweight. I felt that I should be setting a better example. I decided to try a Nutritional Cleansing Program in September of 2012. It has changed my life in many ways. It’s changed me physically – I lost 35 lbs. It has increased my energy levels tremendously. Finally and most importantly it has given me freedom from Yo Yo Dieting. I have tried every diet plan out there. I have finally learned how to live a healthy lifestyle and no other program has made me feel this good. I am stronger than I have ever been, filled with positive energy, surrounded by uplifting people, and sharing in opportunities I didn’t think were possible. The best part is that I am now part of a team helping so many others reach their fitness and weight loss goals and living a healthier lifestyle. This change is possible for everyone!

The thing that really touched my heart was Michelle’s You Tube video.  During this video she talks about her Dad and her why.  Please make sure that you watch it by clicking HERE

If you want to hear more about Nutritional Cleansing, you can contact Michelle directly on Facebook or via email at msmith251@optonline.net.  Want to attend any of her Zumba classes find her schedule on Zumba.com.  Here are her before and after pictures….


Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!