Business Tips and Tricks, Hope Wissel, Relax, Reflect, Recharge

One Word Not a Resolution

The day of New Year’s Eve… some are at work eagerly anticipating another day or two off.  Others are eagerly preparing for the festivities or maybe even started to celebrate.  Somewhere in the midst of all of the craziness, there is always the talk of New Year’s Resolutions, right?  We usually pick a resolution by a problem that has plagued us (sometimes for years) and vow to change it.  How has that worked for you?  Here is usually how it goes:

January – motivated, committed and on track to keep resolution

February – some motivation, mostly on track

March – motivation gone and Resolution forgotten

Does this sound like you?  Last year, my Director with Thirty One asked us to pick a word for the year.  My 2013 word was FAITH:  Faith to believe when the way is rough and faith to hang on when the going is tough will never fail to pull us through and bring us strength and comfort too. Helen Steiner Rice. “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20

FAITH helped me when business was slow.  FAITH helped me to step outside my comfort zone to grow my business.  FAITH helped me to stay on track with Weight Watchers.  FAITH helped me to overcome the doubt and fear when I took on a part-time job.  FAITH got me through as Rob suffered congestive heart failure in May.  FAITH got me through when fear gripped my heart at the thought that I might lose him. FAITH gave me strength when Rob had oral surgery.  FAITH kept me calm as I overcame my fear of dentists.  My FAITH grew each day as I sought God’s guidance before I made major decisions in my personal and business life.  I am ending this year being grateful for the many blessings that I have been given this year… my FAITH has gotten me through.

This “One Word” experiment moved me from the long list of changes to ONE WORD.  It helped me to take all my big plans, narrow them down into a single focus and thus create a vision.   When things got tough, when Doubtful Debbie and Negative Nellie visited; I went back to my ONE WORD and gained focus.  It wasn’t always easy but it helped me to keep focused on the goals that I had for the year.  Notice that I didn’t say resolutions, I said goals.  I am still praying on my word for 2014 and I know that God will nudge me in the direction that I need to go before the clock strikes midnight.  That ONE word will be my guide as I strive for the goals that I have for 2014 in my personal, professional and business life.

What is your ONE WORD for 2014?  Or are you still in the “resolution list” mode?  Either way, share them with us.

Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!

4 thoughts on “One Word Not a Resolution”

  1. “Action”… because, as I mentioned in my last post for 2013, “faith without works is dead”. This quote from the Bible sets everything straight in terms of goal setting. We can have all the inspiration in the world but without putting our faith to action, it’s then just a nice thought – a dream.

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