Business Tips and Tricks, Hope Wissel

Attract What You Want


Last week, I was blessed with the help of customers, family and friends to deliver 31 thermal totes filled with snacks to Ocean County Hunger Relief.  In addition to the snacks, there was a small gift for MOM because we know that moms struggle too during rough times.  Here is the message that was included for her:

the sisterhood

To see the tears in Lee’s eyes as I presented her with the thermals was a game changer for me.  It made my business vision clear.  I have talked a lot about changing the energy of my business. I have talked about wanting to do more fundraising programs.  I have talked about wanting to bless women/ children who are struggling.  I am done talking and now it is time to take action.  I am eager to shift the energy flow of my life as well as my business!

Are you looking to shift the energy flow in your business or in your family?  I love this simple game of “Fill Your Bucket” that I saw in recent blog post:

 Fill Your Bucket Game:

  1. Sit at a window seat at a table closest to where a drive thru customer would pull out after just receiving their order.
  2. Wave and smile at them as they drive past your window.  Try to get their attention.
  3. If they smile or wave back then you have successfully filled their bucket with some positive energy.  Try to get at least 10.

How simple right?  But how many people do we pass every day and we are too busy.  Too busy checking our phones.  Too busy checking our orders.  Too distracted with other things to even acknowledge someone’s smile.  Don’t get me wrong, we are all guilty of distraction.  We are allowing the worries and stresses of yesterday or tomorrow to bog us down.


What if, we said ‘no’ to distraction?  I mean how easy is it to just start observing our surroundings and look for good things to happen.  Remember the excitement that you had as a  child waiting to open your birthday present?  What if we lived with that excitement every day?


Here are a few small actions that  we can take this week to start shifting the energy we are attracting to ourselves, our families and our businesses.

  1. When you pull into a parking lot expect to get the front row.  I almost always do.
  2. When you’re talking to a potential new client hold your head high and speak confidently.  Know that what you have to offer is worth their time to listen. See how they respond.
  3. When you’re going to a new place be on the lookout.  You are often there specifically to meet someone or learn something.  Otherwise you wouldn’t be there.  An errand isn’t just an errand.  It’s a chance to experience the world.  I love this one!

Are you doubtful that these simple steps will shift your energy?  If you have doubt, your energy won’t shift.  Why? Because you are expecting it not to happen.  Remember you experience what you have attracted to yourself.  Do you know the difference of insanity?  Doing the same things and expecting different results.  So, how about changing things by putting out different energy.

Awareness is simply choosing to slow down and take it all in.  Stop rushing so much.  You’re missing opportunities to grow your business, improve your relationships and earn more money.  Take an interest in people.  Ask more questions.  Share more resources.

When you realize how important your thoughts are to the reality you are experiencing everything changes.  You no longer are a victim to a reality you don’t want, you create what you do want.  You look for positive surprises.  You expect to meet amazing people.

Who knows, one day you may look up at the drive thru and see smiling and waving at you.  You drew that energy to you and you smile and wave back.  As you pull out of the lot you sense that all is well in the world.

So, who is going to play the bucket game with me?  Let me know how it goes

Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!




Hope Wissel

Want An Ideal Team


Happy Throwback Thursday!   I love seeing all of the retired Thirty One prints and products.  It reminds me how far we have come.

The NEW Fall enrollment kit is NOW available.  I love the new prints and the fact that there is some of our newest products included in this little pink box.

fall enrollment kit

No, this is not a pitch to get you to join my team – although we do know what an AMAZING $99 deal it is.

Today, we are going to  talk about finding our “ideal team members”.   Building a team is the best way to increase your paycheck in direct sales, right?  No, I don’t mean those pyramid schemes but where you CELEBRATE – ENCOURAGE – REWARD your team to reach their goals.

Are you constantly complaining that your team is unmotivated, draining, and frustrating? Do you wish that your team met their goals?  Do you wish that your team were more engaging?  Guess what – if you are focusing on the things you don’t want – you are actually attracting those same kind of recruits.  As a result, you are going to get more unmotivated, draining, frustrating team members in other words kitnappers.  It’s a simple fact that you get what you focus on. So if you don’t have the direct sales team of your dreams, you are responsible for that.

So, how do we change that, right?  I mean we all want a team that wants leadership, meets all of their personal goals and works as a team player to help us meet team goals, right?

It all goes back to The Secret and speaking what we do want into the Universe.  So let’s decide what you want and not focus on what you don’t want, shall we? This is a short exercise courtesy of JulieAnne Jones.  Take a moment and do this short training exercise.

First of all, ask yourself the question, “Who is my ideal team member?”

Here’s a list of some adjectives to get you started:

  • Motivated
  • Happy
  • Positive
  • Smart
  • Creative
  • Invested
  • A Self Starter
  • Serious
  • Peaceful
  • Caring
  • Fun
  • Great Sense of Humor
  • Reliable
  • Dependable
  • Helpful

Now, sit down, clear your mind, get focused.  Make a list with at least five adjectives that best describe your ideal team member.  Be honest with yourself because this list highlights your ideal potential recruit.

Now read over the list that you just created. Would you say those words describe YOU? Of course, they do.  So, here’s the point. When you’re truly showing up at your best, the energy you’re putting out will attract others like you…at your best. It’s really that simple.

So, how do we change the energy flow?  The key is to get your thoughts, feelings, and actions lined up so you’ll begin attracting those amazing people into your direct sales business. Here’s the process…

Print out the list you made and put it up on the wall in your office. Start thinking about all of these attributes and how you can manifest them in your own business (this is the “thoughts” part of the equation).

Sit down, close your eyes, and imagine what it would feel like to be working with an entire room full of these ideal team members. Just feel the feelings of what it would be like to lead a team of outstanding individual who exemplified those characteristics (the second part of this equation).

Now visualize yourself standing in front of a huge team with all of those traits at your next team meeting. This is the third part of the process and the visualization can literally take only 30 to 90 seconds.

Take about two minutes at the beginning and ending of each day to read over the list and then close your eyes and walk through your visualization.

We want to make this a habit right? So, I want you to do this visualization every day for the next 30 days, twice a day. Then pay attention to the people, circumstances, and opportunities that begin to show up in your life and business.   The most important key  is that you are going to TAKE ACTION on those opportunities!

The formula is simple and can work on anything that you decide to focus on. Attracting what you want is a simple as this three step system  of Think/Feel/Act. Who is ready to find their ideal recruit?

Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!