Business Tips and Tricks, Hope Wissel

Attract What You Want


Last week, I was blessed with the help of customers, family and friends to deliver 31 thermal totes filled with snacks to Ocean County Hunger Relief.  In addition to the snacks, there was a small gift for MOM because we know that moms struggle too during rough times.  Here is the message that was included for her:

the sisterhood

To see the tears in Lee’s eyes as I presented her with the thermals was a game changer for me.  It made my business vision clear.  I have talked a lot about changing the energy of my business. I have talked about wanting to do more fundraising programs.  I have talked about wanting to bless women/ children who are struggling.  I am done talking and now it is time to take action.  I am eager to shift the energy flow of my life as well as my business!

Are you looking to shift the energy flow in your business or in your family?  I love this simple game of “Fill Your Bucket” that I saw in recent blog post:

 Fill Your Bucket Game:

  1. Sit at a window seat at a table closest to where a drive thru customer would pull out after just receiving their order.
  2. Wave and smile at them as they drive past your window.  Try to get their attention.
  3. If they smile or wave back then you have successfully filled their bucket with some positive energy.  Try to get at least 10.

How simple right?  But how many people do we pass every day and we are too busy.  Too busy checking our phones.  Too busy checking our orders.  Too distracted with other things to even acknowledge someone’s smile.  Don’t get me wrong, we are all guilty of distraction.  We are allowing the worries and stresses of yesterday or tomorrow to bog us down.


What if, we said ‘no’ to distraction?  I mean how easy is it to just start observing our surroundings and look for good things to happen.  Remember the excitement that you had as a  child waiting to open your birthday present?  What if we lived with that excitement every day?


Here are a few small actions that  we can take this week to start shifting the energy we are attracting to ourselves, our families and our businesses.

  1. When you pull into a parking lot expect to get the front row.  I almost always do.
  2. When you’re talking to a potential new client hold your head high and speak confidently.  Know that what you have to offer is worth their time to listen. See how they respond.
  3. When you’re going to a new place be on the lookout.  You are often there specifically to meet someone or learn something.  Otherwise you wouldn’t be there.  An errand isn’t just an errand.  It’s a chance to experience the world.  I love this one!

Are you doubtful that these simple steps will shift your energy?  If you have doubt, your energy won’t shift.  Why? Because you are expecting it not to happen.  Remember you experience what you have attracted to yourself.  Do you know the difference of insanity?  Doing the same things and expecting different results.  So, how about changing things by putting out different energy.

Awareness is simply choosing to slow down and take it all in.  Stop rushing so much.  You’re missing opportunities to grow your business, improve your relationships and earn more money.  Take an interest in people.  Ask more questions.  Share more resources.

When you realize how important your thoughts are to the reality you are experiencing everything changes.  You no longer are a victim to a reality you don’t want, you create what you do want.  You look for positive surprises.  You expect to meet amazing people.

Who knows, one day you may look up at the drive thru and see smiling and waving at you.  You drew that energy to you and you smile and wave back.  As you pull out of the lot you sense that all is well in the world.

So, who is going to play the bucket game with me?  Let me know how it goes

Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!




Hope Wissel

Back to School?!?

back to school thermal no date

We are on the tail end of this month’s “giving back” program – FIGHT HUNGER Campaign.  We did chemo comfort bags and zipper pouches for our soldiers. We raised money for Smiles for Trevor and Relay for Life and we have helped families. When I began my journey with Thirty One, I wanted to make a difference in the lives women and families and you are helping me do it!  Because of YOU, my AMAZING customers, hostesses, family and friends – we are making a difference.

Okay, so I am sure you can guess where this is leading…. YOU GOT IT – we need more sponsors.  Word got out and I have had more requests than I currently have sponsors for so I am putting out a plea for YOUR help.  BREAKING NEWS:  We are teaming up with Haven/Beat the Streets in Ocean County to bring a smile to the kids who are living in motels/ shelters.  I am so excited about this joint effort.

So, here is what is happening:

I am providing THERMAL LUNCH TOTES to children who are currently homeless – living in motels.  I will be using my commission to fill the thermals with some healthy snacks along with tips on inexpensive ideas for healthy lunches. I mean let’s be honest, the FREE lunch program doesn’t always have foods that kids eat.  No hate mail PLEASE because I know that there are some places that have great meals but let’s be honest, not all of them do.

So, for $20, you can sponsor a thermal tote filled with healthy snacks for a child in need. If finances are tight and you can’t donate, maybe you know a business that may want to help, GREAT! Let me know or forward this information to them. I will supply a list of business sponsors in every thermal tote along with blogging about them – FREE advertising for helping out a great cause. Where else could they get FREE advertising for $20?

Won’t you help to make a difference today? You can fill out the form below or contact me directly. I will be happy to invoice you. Let’s bring a smile to the face of as many children as we can this school year. The deadline is July 9th!

Have ThirtyOne-derful day!

Hope Wissel

HUNGER Campaign



Did you know that over 20% of the kids in NJ are living in food-insecure homes?

I remember when hunger and the lack of food first became a harsh reality for me.  In 1990 I was a new Case Manager at the South Jersey AIDS Alliance.  A family came in to get a bag of groceries and Maria shared her story with me.  A single mom with AIDS, she was raising her 2 grandchildren.  They lived on a fixed income since she could no longer work.  She had enough to pay the bills but struggled at the end of the month to feed her small family.  I looked at the USDA food and thought “would I feed this to my daughter?”.  The bag was filled with canned meats, veggies, rice, beans, cereal, canned fruit and powdered milk. This is what Maria would use for meals over the next week or so at home.

I vowed to stock our office pantry with things that were not only nutritious but would also allow the kids to not feel different at school.  Some used the Free Lunch programs at school but back then it wasn’t very popular.  My heart broke for the kids who wanted to take lunch like the other kids.  My heart hurt for the kids who stood out because of the FREE lunch program stigma.  My daughter shared her snacks with the kids she met in the office.

Fast forward to today – food pantries are stocked with more then just government commodities and the FREE lunch program is now accepted my more people. The old negative stigma has become a harsh reality for many.

Now, you have heard of the “Back to School” campaigns that provide kids with backpacks and school supplies, right?  These programs each child start off the school year on the right foot.

This year, I will be providing THERMAL LUNCH TOTES to children.  I am filling the thermals with a different kind of school supply – some healthy snacks along with a tip sheet on some inexpensive ideas to provide a healthy lunch for your kids.  I mean let’s be honest, the FREE lunches sometimes do not have kid friendly foods.  No hate mail PLEASE because I know that there are some places that have great meals but let’s be honest, not all of them do.

So, for $20, you can sponsor a thermal tote filled with healthy snacks for a child in need.  If you want to help BUT you don’t have $20, donate what you can – $1, $2, $5, or $10.  Finances are tight BUT you know a business that may want to help, GREAT!  Let me know or forward this information to them.  I will supply a list of business sponsors in every thermal tote along with blogging about them – FREE advertising for helping out a great cause.  Where else could they get FREE advertising for $20 or $40?

back to school flyer

Won’t you help?  Fill out the form below with your information or contact me directly.  Let’s bring a smile to the face of as many children as we can this school year.

Have ThirtyOne-derful day!

Hope Wissel

Need Help Eating Right

Back on track – AGAIN!  I remember the days when I measured and tracked every morsel I ate or even thought about eating.  I remember the days of being strong and walking away because is wasn’t point worthy.  I remember those days BUT I kind of relate them to child birth.  Okay, a strange analogy but think about it.  When you have a baby and are going through the pain of labor, you vow to NEVER do it again.  Then this cute baby comes out and the memory of the pain is gone.  The older that child gets, the further the memories get, right?

So, now think about dieting or should I say “healthy eating”.  When I started on my Weight Watcher’s journey, I was determined.  Nothing could get in my way.  No temptation was great enough to keep my for my goal weight.  I struggled.  Yes, it took me several years to reach goal but I did.  Then, the memories started to fade.  As I struggled to maintain, I started to sabotage myself.  I stopped tracking EVERY morsel.  I measured “most of the time”.  I didn’t say “NO” as much as I did before to sweets.  The results were a slide from goal weight to being up 10 pounds. For some, that isn’t a big deal BUT for me that was huge.  I am still in the size 12 pants – a little snug but I can still breathe.  I still get compliments on how much weight I have lost.  The truth is that I don’t feel “good” on the inside.

So, with the help of the NEW Weight Watcher Starter Kit, I am starting fresh.  It has only been a few days but I am measuring everything, The new plates have helped me to visualize exactly what I should be eating.  Shopping has become easier with my Thirty One Utility totes AND my Thermals

Post #9E  Post #12D

I LOVE that my Weight Watcher bento box fits perfectly in my Lunch Break Thermal lunch tote.  If I full my bento box with the right foods and ONLY eat those foods, I should be full.  If I am not, I am drinking more hot tea to hopefully fill me up.

I am blessed to have an AMAZING extended family – my 10AM Thursday Weight Watcher group.  Yes, it is a support group and I am proud to say that I am a member.  It with with their help and encouragement that I continue on this journey. As hubby says, I was at my best when I was going to the meetings and staying plugged in.  Sounds like an addict, huh?  Yup!  I have an addictive personality and if I didn’t, I probably would have never climbed to 290 pounds.

My best tip – successful weight loss is not a DIET, it is a journey.  It is changing your lifestyle so that you can LIVE healthier.  Do I think I know it all? NO!  Okay, well maybe the words “I got this” has escaped from my mouth on more than one occasion.  The truth is that I don’t have it.  I struggle every day.

So, what is your BEST tip for healthy eating? Share it with us

Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!

#thirtyone #thermals #utility totes #WeightWatchers #goalweight